- WP1 will create a common body of knowledge of all stakeholders (university students, rural community organizations, their beneficiaries, teachers) based on the detailed needs analysis. It will develop a database of rural entities and universities interested in community-university partnerships, forming the basis of the virtual Hub (WP3). Lead: RSM https://www.rsm.nl/
- WP2 will develop the academic module and community training materials on rural service learning & social entrepreneurship, based on the data from WP1. Lead: VMU https://www.vdu.lt/en/
- WP3 will create Virtual Hub for centralized knowledge sharing and networking and digital learning tools (MOOC & online World Café) that will be available as OERs. Lead: FFZG https://web2020.ffzg.unizg.hr/international/
- WP4 will implement the courses developed in WP2, online World Café developed in WP3 and develop the case-based learning materials. Lead: UNIBO https://www.unibo.it/en/homepage
- WP5 will assess the quality of the project processes and results (Rural 3.0 Hub-WP3, digital learning tools -WP3 and new academic module-WP2) through internal & external evaluation. Lead: UAMhttp://www.uam.es/UAM/Home.htm?language=es
- WP6 will ensure that the project results are shared with the international community and promote them outside the consortium after the project’s end. Lead: LAG 5 https://www.lag5.hr/en/
- WP7 will ensure timely progress, quality monitoring procedures, checklists, and responses to any evidence of unsatisfactory quality. Lead: LAG Ammersee http://www.lagammersee.de/
- WP8 refers to Project Management. Project coordinator: IPVC ESE http://www.ipvc.pt/escola-educacao